Real estate

More than any other sector, the real estate industry, which relates to where we live, work and recreate, is undergoing profound changes to fulfil societal, environmental, regulatory and economic efficiency obligations. Bartle advises property divisions and other real estate actors along the entire property value chain to optimise their strategies and transformation projects.

"The property sector is facing critical transformational challenges, driven by uses, the environment and regulatory imperatives"
Julien Collin, Director

A profound transformation
in models and business lines

Property, whether residential, offices, commercial, logistics or other, must reinvent itself to address the challenges and needs of stakeholders, in particular tenants, including occupants and visitors, developers, real estate companies, owners and suppliers.

Meanwhile, property divisions at large companies are re-evaluating their property master plans to optimise their footprints, uses and property costs in the post-Covid landscape where teleworking and flex offices have reduced occupancy rates. As for property players like developers and real estate companies, they are now incorporating these requirements and offering assets where modularity, versatility, service-oriented design and environmentally friendly practices dominate. Consequently, the supply, services and business models are evolving alongside the organisations and their teams.

Our references and our team’s experience make Bartle a partner of choice to assist our clients with the issues stemming from the transformation of property models and business lines, leveraging a collaborative approach to co-design pragmatic solutions. 

"A property strategy should be a reflection of the projected uses of the assets; it should come out of customised work analyses, rather than the implementation of standardised solutions"
Antoine Vigier, Senior manager

The digital revolution
in property

Hampered by a siloed, closed and generally poorly connected digital legacy, the real estate industry is transforming its digital business applications (CAMM, BMS, ERP, etc.) to shift toward more interoperability, openness and coherence at the scale of an asset. This gives industry actors a uniform vision and comprehensive management of their property portfolio. Beyond these “classic” transformations, many Smart Building innovations (such as BIM, BOS and IoT) offer up new opportunities to design and build better, and to operate property assets for more services, more efficiency and more environmental austerity.

This new paradigm is contingent on major transformations in organisations, skills and processes. Property business lines must evolve to integrate these new ways of doing things.

Because we firmly believe that digital technology is one of the major pillars of property transformation, Bartle is helping its clients to adopt and leverage these digital opportunities by drawing on our technical, project management and human resources expertise.


"Real estate is starting to catch up on the digital front and is making profound transformations to integrate and maximise the potential of new innovations and data"
Antoine Taloud, Manager

The critical challenges of energy savings
and reduced environmental impacts

Property accounts for nearly one-third of carbon emissions, which makes it a promising source of pathways to reduce the environmental impact at the different life stages of real assets: In France, there are powerful reasons to transform, including quite ambitious regulatory constraints (Commercial property decree, RE 2020, Climate and resilience law, BACS decree, etc.), as well as social and market incentives (environmental certifications such as BREEAM).

To meet these objectives, property actors must implement changes at all levels and at all phases of the asset life cycle, involving their partners, service providers and occupants. There are many innovations and tools available to the industry: bio-sourced materials, LCA software (especially for the construction phase), energy management platforms, and systems for self-generation or reuse of operating materials.

Bartle works with property actors and property divisions to assist in scoping their strategy based on their unique challenges and environmental obligations, and we continue to support them through implementation (roll-out of an energy management platform, CSR reporting, etc.). 

"The growing complexity of uses, translated through the physical and visual prism of property, is prompting a diversification of expertise to provide solutions tailored to needs"
Rachel Struk, Manager

The necessity of change management
to support these transformations

Real estate encompasses many professions that, by definition, underpin companies’ business line issues or the uses of end customers. Each project and each strategy put in place is steeped in this principle. Bringing to bear the right business line expertise and functional expertise (change management, managerial practices, etc.) is a non-negotiable condition for success. 

Bartle’s capacity to set up hybrid systems enables us to respond to our clients’ needs by mobilising the appropriate sector-specific and functional experts. We activate our business line expertise (retail, logistics, transport, etc.) and functional knowledge (innovation, ideation, change management, etc.) to best meet the needs of our clients.


Opportunity study to develop available building space

A major player in logistics and services with a sizeable property network covering the whole country commissioned Bartle to conduct an opportunity study to identify and qualify the services and offers that could leverage the unoccupied space within its portfolio. Working from a benchmark and a market study, we analysed the potential services and crafted the corresponding business plan.

Definition of a strategic road map

For the real estate subsidiary of a banking group, we defined a company strategy based on priority objectives for its business activities: asset management, property management, rental management and development. Bartle contributed its sector expertise, as well as its ideation and co-construction methodologies to transpose the strategy into a road map that included all the organisational, process, IT and commercial levers to activate in the short term.

Assistance in designing a BIM programme

Bartle assisted a major public transport and railway operator in accelerating its BIM strategy. We studied the impacts of BIM for the design, construction and management/operations/maintenance phases on the following aspects: organisation and governance, processes, BIM use cases, IT tools and contractual framework, business plan and purchasing strategy, digitisation strategy, change management and risks associated with the transformation. This work was laid out in a strategic, three-year BIM road map and the corresponding investment plan.

CSR is a cornerstone of our projects

We assisted a logistics player with the transformation of its property portfolio, for which we articulated the group’s CSR objectives. We defined the technical means to achieve the objectives, such as limiting the artificialisation of car park and traffic surfaces and systematically using PV-ready roofing. In addition, the work to define the materiality matrix ensured programme buy-in from all the persons concerned, which prompted us to set up a working group to define the trajectory to reduce carbon emissions over the life cycle of sites.

Property consulting to drive social actions

We supported a social housing company with the reorganisation of its territorial coverage, optimised its processes and implemented change management for its staff. The project enabled employees to work in better proximity to their tenants and to carry out social action projects in the regions.

Property consulting for better customer relations

For a company specialising in real property management, we spearheaded the roll-out of its digital data-sharing platform and supported its change management efforts. This project has improved relations with suppliers and client-tenant relations by offering greater visibility about interventions in the buildings.

Property consulting for a business process design to pave the way for rolling out a new ERP tool

We assisted a real estate company that wanted to improve its property management by gathering business line requirements, leading collaborative workshops and formalising business processes. Lastly, we developed processes and their applicability in the deployed solutions.

Property consulting to simplify the organisation and set up an SSC for accounting and CRM

We assisted a property management and real estate brokerage company in drawing up a diagnostic and impact study and modelling the resulting gains. We also worked to define the organisation, target processes and a road map.

Do you have a property need within your company ?